My life

Friday, October 27, 2006

About work

We (AIESEC Oradea) recently won a grant and going to participate at some event (I didn't quite get what it is about).
But anyways, we had to preapre some stuff for it... such as - indicating the international charachteristic of AIESEC - posters of different countries. Since not too many members have dealt with DTP before, my time had come to prove my designing abilities :))

Here is what I came up with:
You can comment :))

We have 15 countries, and their flags will be made also, and some other things bought. Kind of a little Global Village.

But the thing I wanted to say: I chose the pictures based on how I percieve these countries (I also made UK, China, USA and Greece).
I showed them to Pepez and Pike. My other finnish friends... do you think there is something missing?

I'm waiting for suggestions...


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